What is a super fun toy I can make for my toddler that will help with gross motor skills development? It’s time for a new toddler series and this one is perfect for my Smiley Man. If you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you may recall that Smiley Man had a gross… Continue reading Homemade Lightsabers for Gross Motor Development
Author: Kirstylee Moody
House Cut and Paste Page
What is a fun cut, paste, and color page that is good for preschool? As I was thinking about what to make for the next cut and paste page in this cut and paste series, I thought it would be fun to do another page like this Gingerbread Cut and Paste Page. This has been… Continue reading House Cut and Paste Page
Gardening with Kids – Try Growing Succulents!
How can I teach my children about how plants grow? Kids are naturally curious and gardening with kids is a great way to help encourage their curiosity while teaching at the same time. These activities, over the course of a couple weeks, will help your child learn about how water and sun help plants grow… Continue reading Gardening with Kids – Try Growing Succulents!
Learning Notebook and New Schedule
What schedule should I use for tot school or school for my toddler? At the beginning of July I started a new tot school schedule with Smiley Man and I wanted to give a little bit more explanation about our new schedule. We still do tot trays every day, but instead of having Smiley Man… Continue reading Learning Notebook and New Schedule
Toddler Music Activities: Tap the Beat
What is a music lesson I can do with my toddler that will teach him rhythm? Today is the last post for toddler music activities and I am a little sad to see this series end. I have had a fun time doing these music activities with my kids. Many of them I do frequently,… Continue reading Toddler Music Activities: Tap the Beat
Sequencing Cut and Paste Activity
What is a cut and paste activity for preschool that will help with sequencing practice? If you are a regular reader here at Moms Have Questions Too, you are probably thinking, “Whoa, I thought Cut and Paste posts were supposed to be on Wednesday.” (Although, if you are anything like me, you might not have… Continue reading Sequencing Cut and Paste Activity
Toddler Music Activities: Draw to Music
I have been waiting to do this toddler music activity for a few weeks now, so when it was time to finally put this post together, I was so excited. The idea behind it is really simple, but it is a fabulous way to get children to express themselves and to listen carefully to music.… Continue reading Toddler Music Activities: Draw to Music
Cut and Paste Sorting Animals
On Monday I posted about some beach themed tot trays that I did with Smiley Man. Since it is now June and I’m not doing any official preschool with Little Bear right now, I thought it would be fun for him to have a cut and paste activity that went along with Smiley Man’s tot… Continue reading Cut and Paste Sorting Animals
4th of July Sensory Bin with Matching Flag Game
This sensory bin was a blast to make! Seriously, I think I just love the color combination of red, white, and blue because this was so fun. I started with a base of dried kidney beans, dried white beans, blue glass gems, and some shredded paper. I mixed the red beans with the red shredded… Continue reading 4th of July Sensory Bin with Matching Flag Game
4th of July Games for Young Children
I am so excited about today’s post. I absolutely love throwing parties and sometimes I go a little overboard with the number of games. I have 6 party games for the 4th of July that are sure to keep your young children busy, happy, and having fun. Ring Toss Make this game with bracelet (or… Continue reading 4th of July Games for Young Children