Sensory Bin to Teach Shapes to Toddlers and Preschoolers

This is the very first post for a brand new series. I’ve been working on teaching colors to Smiley Man for several months now and we did a bunch of color activities and ended our color series with a huge link page for teaching colors. Now that Smiley Man knows his colors so well. I am ready… Continue reading Sensory Bin to Teach Shapes to Toddlers and Preschoolers

Easter Craft for Kids – Easter Egg Decorating on a Vertical Surface

I’ve wanted to do a contact paper activity with my kids for a long time, but I didn’t ever get around to it until recently. First I took a trip to the dollar store and got some supplies (pastel pipe cleaners, pastel pompoms, pastel beads, Easter stickers, craft foam, etc.) Next, I set up an… Continue reading Easter Craft for Kids – Easter Egg Decorating on a Vertical Surface

25 General Conference Activities for Toddlers

I love General Conference so much, but honestly, it’s difficult to pay attention when I’m trying to keep my kids quiet the whole time. Luckily, I found the most perfect way to eradicate that problem. What is this brilliant solution you ask … drum roll … General Conference activities for toddlers and preschoolers! Check out… Continue reading 25 General Conference Activities for Toddlers

25 General Conference Activities for Preschoolers

LDS General Conference is amazing, but with a preschooler, all that amazing-ness can quickly turn to I-want-to-pull-my-hair-out-ness. My preschooler is generally a well-behaved kid, but expecting him to sit quietly watching talks for 8 hours is a recipe for disaster. Luckily, I have created several General Conference activities for preschoolers and toddlers to keep my… Continue reading 25 General Conference Activities for Preschoolers

The Ultimate Resource to Teach Colors to Your Toddler

If you are looking for ways to teach colors, you have come to the right place. Check out this ultimate resource for teaching colors. There are over 45 games, activities, and books that will help kids, preschoolers, and toddlers learn and understand colors. If you have a color activity you would like to add, please… Continue reading The Ultimate Resource to Teach Colors to Your Toddler

St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bins and Treasure Hunts for Kids

Winter is finally loosening its death grip on the city where I live, which is always a cause for celebration for me. Basically, the closer it gets to spring, the more I come back to life. This winter has been crazy cold with crazy snow so I’ve been singing praises to the sun every time I see… Continue reading St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bins and Treasure Hunts for Kids

Home Organization Ideas

One of those cliche New Year’s resolutions seems to be getting more organized. Although cliche, this is a goal I seriously set for myself. We moved into a new apartment just before Christmas, after almost a year of living with other people and having all of our things in storage. Let me tell you, after… Continue reading Home Organization Ideas

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