Dollar Store Finds: Valentine’s Day Edition

What are some fun items from the dollar store for Valentine’s Day? How can I survive this winter?!? I am so excited that Valentine’s Day is coming. You know why? Because that means winter is a little closer to being OVER!!! Hallelujah! Okay, so winter is not my favorite time of year. Don’t worry, I’m… Continue reading Dollar Store Finds: Valentine’s Day Edition

Valentine’s Day Sticker and Dice Game

Do you remember that awesome Gingerbread Man Math printable that was all over Pinterest around Christmas. Well, I decided to recreate this dice game for Valentine’s Day. First, we printed the Numbered Heart Printable, got our dice, then I opened a bag of Valentine’s stickers from the dollar store. I told Little Bear that we… Continue reading Valentine’s Day Sticker and Dice Game

Inexpensive Valentine Gift Ideas — All under $20!

What are some inexpensive Valentine gift ideas for her, for him, and for kids? Have you ever been one of those girls that said you didn’t want a Valentine’s Day gift and your significant other actually listened to you!?! I never have because the simple fact is, I like gifts and I don’t think that’s a bad… Continue reading Inexpensive Valentine Gift Ideas — All under $20!