Walk the Line: Gross Motor Development for Toddlers

What will help my toddler with gross motor development? This post is very similar to my locomotor skills post, so I’ll try to make it short. Basically, having your toddler walk on a line is a wonderful skill for gross motor development. The simple act of having to watch where their feet are going, not… Continue reading Walk the Line: Gross Motor Development for Toddlers

Measure with Blocks: Fun Preschool Measuring Activity

How can I teach my preschool measuring? Yesterday I told Little Bear that we were going to do preschool measuring with blocks. I had planned to do it in the afternoon, but Little Bear surprised me and was so excited that he wanted to do it right away. Little Bear has been really fascinated with… Continue reading Measure with Blocks: Fun Preschool Measuring Activity

Walk on Pillows for Gross Motor Development

Do you need a great game that will improve your toddler’s gross motor development? Smiley Man absolutely loved this gross motor development game, which you can tell from the title, is walking on pillows. At first, this was very difficult for him and he was getting frustrated. However, I turned on some music and that… Continue reading Walk on Pillows for Gross Motor Development

Throw and Roll a Ball to Improve Gross Motor Skills

What is a fun activity for toddlers that will help improve gross motor skills? Just for some background, Smiley Man’s first word was ball. He loves balls. In fact, I’m pretty sure the only reason he ever got around to crawling was because he would push a ball, then go crawl to it. Every once… Continue reading Throw and Roll a Ball to Improve Gross Motor Skills