What is a fun way to teach patterns to my preschooler? I was trying to think of a new pattern activity for our pattern series and I needed something that would take minimal effort to put together. I decided to go with the easiest thing I could think of, making patterns with beads on a… Continue reading Pattern Bracelets
House Paint, Cut, and Paste Winter Craft
What is a winter craft my child can do that will help develop fine motor skills? Ever since the Christmas season ended, I have not done a single craft with my boys. I’m not all that great at doing crafts with them anyway, but they were asking to do one. So, I came up with… Continue reading House Paint, Cut, and Paste Winter Craft
January Seasonal Play Dough
What is a homemade play dough recipe that is fun for winter? A few months ago I decided that my kids need to play with playdough more. We do a lot with playdough for school, but it is mostly directed by me. I realized that my kids’ play dough creativity was being stifled because I… Continue reading January Seasonal Play Dough
Patterned Name Art
What is an art activity or craft that I can do with my preschooler that will also teach patterns? I have another fun pattern activity for you today and it is sure to be a hit with your preschooler. I remember doing an art project like this one when I was in elementary school and… Continue reading Patterned Name Art
We need your help!
What changes would you like to see on Moms Have Questions Too? The time has come again to make some changes to Moms Have Questions Too. Hopefully things only change for the better both for you, the readers, and for Cassidy and me. At the bottom of this post is a link to a short… Continue reading We need your help!
Colored Marbles on Golf Tees – Preschool Patterns
What is a fun fine motor activity that will also help teach preschool patterns? It’s time for a new preschool series and this time I decided to do patterns. Check out our store page for some preschool and toddler series that have been compiled into Activity Packs (only $1.99!). They include extras like a curriculum… Continue reading Colored Marbles on Golf Tees – Preschool Patterns
Top 13 Posts from 2013
What are some of the top posts for 2013 from Moms Have Questions Too? This year has been an amazing one for Moms Have Questions Too. I started doing Tot School with Smiley Man at the beginning of the year, we’ve done several preschool and toddler series, we started selling these series as activity packs,… Continue reading Top 13 Posts from 2013
Christmas Book and Printable Activity
What is a fun Christmas activity I can do based around a fun Christmas book or story? I love Christmas picture books! Really I just love picture books in general :). I wanted to come up with a fun activity to do that would supplement reading a Christmas story. One of my favorite Christmas books… Continue reading Christmas Book and Printable Activity
Christmas Craft Wall Mural for Kids
What is a fun Christmas craft or activity my toddler and preschooler can work on together? My family was pretty crafty growing up and it seems like we always had a project we were working on. One of my favorite Christmas activities that I remember doing was a giant wall mural. My mom would go… Continue reading Christmas Craft Wall Mural for Kids
Math Links Product Review
What is a fun learning toy that is high quality and that my kids will enjoy? It has been a long while since I have done a product review and with Christmas coming up soon, I wanted to review something that would make a great Christmas present. I got these math links I think in January… Continue reading Math Links Product Review