What is a fun Christmas activity I can do based around a fun Christmas book or story?
I love Christmas picture books! Really I just love picture books in general :). I wanted to come up with a fun activity to do that would supplement reading a Christmas story. One of my favorite Christmas books is Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett so I decided to read that with Smiley Man and create a printable activity to go along with the book!
First off, if you haven’t read this book it is one you won’t want to miss. It’s a fun take on a gingerbread man story and the illustrations are beautiful! Next, print out the gingerbread baby printable activity. Sit down and read the book with your toddler or preschooler. You can point out all the fun things hidden in the illustrations too.
After reading the book, have your child cut out the gingerbread baby and gingerbread house pieces, along with the candy pieces. If you have a toddler, I’d recommend cutting the pieces out for them. Start by having them glue candy to their gingerbread baby. You can use the candy pieces in the printable or any other items you may have such as crayons, stickers, and do-a-dot markers.
Once the gingerbread baby is decorated to their satisfaction, then have them assemble the gingerbread house just like Matti’s in the book. They can also decorate this with the candy or other things you have available. Smiley Man loved putting the house together (although it was a little tricky for him). He also kept talking about the gingerbread baby. Maybe it’s because he has a new baby brother, but he really loved the idea of the gingerbread baby.
You can have your child try and trap the gingerbread baby in the gingerbread house or just hang them up for decoration. Your kids may want to read the story again too after creating their own gingerbread baby and house so they can act out the story. Either way, we hope you have fun with the Gingerbread Baby book and printable!