What are some General Conference traditions? How do you look forward to General Conference each year?
Over the years my General Conference viewing/listening experiences have varied and my “traditions” have changed. However, there are a few things that remain constant. First, we always watch conference with family. Whether it’s my family or Kevin’s family we are watching with family. Being married has changed some of my other traditions and added new ones, all of which tend to be based around food.
When we watch General Conference with my family we always have crepes on Sunday morning before (and during) the first session. Depending on the time of year we have a different filling. In October, we have peach crepes because peaches are in season and in April we have strawberry crepes because strawberries are generally in season. We don’t really have crepes any other time of year so it makes Conference crepes extra special.
When we watch Conference with Kevin’s family we usually go to his sister’s house about 2.5 hours away. Frequently some of his other sisters and family join us too. I especially love going there in October because we always eat lots of delicious food, fresh from their garden. They have an amazing garden (which is huge) and they always send us home with veggies, among which my favorites have been bell peppers and yellow tomatoes. Even in April though we still have good food. Kevin and I generally bring a treat to share with the kids. Our favorites are peanut M&Ms and the chocolate covered acai berries from Costco.
So, pretty much we spend time with family, eat good food, and enjoy the wonderful words of our prophets which inspire us to do better and be better!
We don’t have a ton of General Conference traditions in our family, but the ones we do have are pretty great. Here are a few things that we do every year:
We buy doughnuts for breakfast for the Saturday morning session of General Conference. I’m pretty sure that the only reason this was a tradition was because all the kids in my family would insist on it because it was “tradition.” I don’t think my parents ever really considered it a tradition. ;
When I was about 15 or so, everyone would wear Sunday clothes for the Sunday sessions of General Conference. Personally, I liked this tradition because it really helped set the mood in the room and made everyone more alert. I also really like wearing dresses though, so that may have made it seem better. Now that several of the children in my family (including me) are married, we don’t really do this. A lot of the married spouses watch General Conference in their pajamas, which, let’s be honest, has its merits, too.
That brings me to another tradition, we always watch General Conference with family. We watch it with my family one day and with Mr. Remarkable’s family the other day. We try to switch off which days we are with which family because…
We always do a girl’s night during the Priesthood session of General Conference. Girl’s night is different every General Conference. Sometimes we watch a chick flick, sometimes we paint fingernails, sometimes we do tasting parties (we’ve done chocolate and cheese tasting parties), sometimes we do makeovers. When the men get home from Priesthood, they tell us about what they learned while we all enjoy some kind of treat.
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