How can I make sure my child is safe on Halloween? What are some candy alternatives to pass out to trick or treaters?
Halloween is almost here and I can barely contain my excitement! Holidays are getting more exciting as my kids get older. Here is my cute family in our costumes. (Oops, I forgot to get a picture of us at our Halloween party. Picture will be coming soon!)
Smiley Man is a dog, Little Bear is a bat, I am Nessarose from Wicked/the Wicked Witch of the East from The Wizard of Oz, and Mr. Remarkable is the house that fell on me.
We have had so much fun this October getting ready for Halloween. Check out our Halloween Crafts page to see all the fun activities we’ve done. Trick or treating is always a blast, but there are several things that could go wrong. I have compiled a list of safety tips that will keep my family and yours safe, happy, and full of chocolate! Here are some Halloween Safety Tips that will keep Halloween fun for you and your family.
*Update 11/26/12: I was given a link to an article about Halloween Safety and it is a fabulous resource! It is the only resource with Halloween safety tips that are backed by statistical data to underscore the importance of each tip. Many of the tips are included in the list below, but feel free to check out the original source.
Tips for Candy
- Only eat treats that are individually packaged, unopened, and in their original package
- Only eat candy once you are home and a parent has inspected the candy
- Parents, be sure to serve a big dinner so your kids are full and won’t snack on candy
- Kids, be willing to share a piece of candy or two with your amazing parents
Tips for Trick or Treaters
- Children should always go trick or treating with an adult
- Make sure the whole family knows the route that you will be taking
- Only accept treats on the doorstep; do not go inside
- Say thank you when you are given a treat
- Only visit houses with the lights on
- Don’t play near lit Jack-o-Lanterns
- Walk, do not run, and be aware of surroundings
- Walk on sidewalks and driveways; do not go in dark streets or back alleys
- Cross the street at the corner or a crosswalk
- Take a cell phone and/or have bracelet with parent’s phone number on it
- Wear a watch
- Carry a flashlight or a glow stick
Tips for Parents
- Drive slowly
- Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police department
- Be careful where you leave a lit Jack-o-Lantern
- Keep lawn clear so trick or treaters do not trip on anything
- Don’t forget to “inspect” your kids’ candy. There may be a few pieces that are “unfit” for your kids because they need to be taste tested by a grown up. ;)
Tips for Costumes
- Make sure costumes are not too long so kids don’t trip
- Make sure costumes match the weather (wear a coat underneath the costume if necessary)
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Wear makeup instead of a mask so it doesn’t obstruct your view.

Candy Alternatives
Personally, I’m all about letting my kids eat lots of candy on Halloween. I work really hard to provide healthy food for my kids throughout the year, so when holidays come around I don’t care if my kids eat a bit of sugar. However, I totally respect the fact that some families don’t want to pass out candy. They might have a child with food allergies or diabetes or maybe have kids that just don’t like sugar. I know there are plenty of people who are grateful for non-candy treats on Halloween. Whatever your reason, here is a list of a few candy alternatives.
- Mini Play-doh
- Sidewalk
- Rubber insects
- Glitter pencils
- Toothbrush/toothpaste (but only if you are a dentist J )
- Stickers
- Small puzzles
- Party favors
- Marbles
- Fun erasers
- Scented markers
- Crayons
- Small coloring book
- Mandarin Orange “Jack-o-Lanterns”
- String cheese “ghosts” (see picture below)
- Bubbles
- Granola bars
- Rice Cakes
- Vampire teeth (just make sure they are individually packaged)
- Bouncy balls
- Halloween rings or bracelets
- Small baby carrot packs
- Pencil toppers
- Coins
- Pretzels
- Packs of sugar free gum
- Hot chocolate packets
- Raisins
- Fruit Leather
- Chip bags
- Goldfish
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