What are some last minute Halloween activities I can do with my child?
Happy Halloween!
So far we have been having lots of fun today! Here is Little Bear in his bat costume and Smiley Man in his dog costume.
Aren’t they so cute? Here are a few last minute Halloween ideas that we have done or that we will be doing today. Don’t forget to have some fun!
Halloween Bath: I just used food coloring to make the water slightly orange. The boys LOVED it. Smiley Man was extremely upset when I got him out of the tub. He cheered up once he realized that I was putting his costume on. :)
Q-tip Painting: I googled some Halloween outline images and printed them off. (I googled pumpkin outline, bat outline, witch hat outline, etc.) Little Bear used a q-tip and paint to paint the pictures.
Sticker Patterns: I got the idea for Halloween sticker patterns from Train Up a Child. I just drew out some boxes, started the patterns, then gave Little Bear the rest of the Halloween stickers needed to finish the patterns.
Ghost String Cheese: I drew a ghost face on the boys’ string cheese that they had for a snack this morning. Check out the last picture on the Halloween Safety post to see an example.
Q-tip Skeleton: I found the directions to make a Q-Tip Skeleton a few days ago and I knew it would be the perfect activity to do on Halloween.
Even Smiley Man enjoyed this one, but I think he just liked eating the q-tips. :)
Pumpkin Treasure Hunt: Since my kids had so much fun with the Skeleton Scavenger Hunt that I created, I found this idea for a pumpkin treasure hunt. We will do this later today.
5 Little Pumpkins Poem: We used our pumpkin finger puppets to act out the poem 5 Little Pumpkins. We have the book, but here is a mini printable 5 Little Pumpkins book.

Candy Corn Counting: This is such an easy activity. I called out a number and Little Bear had to count that number of candy corn and put them onto a plate. When he had the number of candy corn that I called out on his plate, he got to eat them. I didn’t get a picture of this one, but he loved it!
Glitter Spider Webs: We couldn’t let Halloween go by without making some glitter spider webs. Little Bear squeezed glue onto paper in the shape of a spider web, he sprinkled glitter on top of the glue, then he poured the extra glitter into the garbage can. I made one, too because they are so fun.
Jack-o-Lantern Balloon: I blew up a few orange balloons and I let the boys draw Jack-o-Lantern faces on them. Then they just played with the balloons. Since Smiley Man adores any kind of ball, this one was a hit as well.
Well, that’s it for us today. We will be going to Daddy’s work to trick or treat, then we’ll go trick or treating in the neighborhood after dinner. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
What fun ideas! Thanks for sharing these ideas. Your boys will always remember the security, love and fun they feel as you work with them. What a great mom you are!!!!