Where can I find a Thanksgiving Activity Pack with crafts and printables that will teach math, alphabet, and fine motor skills?
Another activity pack has been added to the Moms Have Questions Too store and this one is for Thanksgiving! So many wonderful skills are taught with this activity pack and it’s perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. Plus, it’s only $1.99! Be sure to check out our other activity packs as well. Our Christmas Activity Pack is also only $1.99.
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Why Buy the Thanksgiving Activity Pack
- Math pages that teach number sense, counting, and size differentiation.
- Color and Trace the Numbers
- Roll and Graph
- Connect the Dots
- Size Sorting
- Number Maze
- Pie Puzzle
- Crafts that develop finger dexterity, innovation, and confidence.
- Weave a Placemat
- Thanksgiving Banner
- Glue Feathers on Turkey
- Thanksgiving Dinner Collage
- Paper Pumpkin
- Glue Leaves on the Tree
- Letter printables that teach identification, matching, and writing.
- Clothespin Cards
- Say, Trace, Stamp
- Upper/Lowercase Puzzles
- Word Tracing
- Plus even more great printables for a total of 42 pages of Thanksgiving fun! These crafts and printables are perfect for toddlers and preschoolers!
Get Your Thanksgiving Activity Pack Now!
I loved putting this activity pack together and my kids loved using it even more. They loved the draw the fruit page and the pompom pages! I’m always worried that my toddler will get bored with doing the same types of activities all the time, but as long as it has a new theme, he feels like it’s a brand new activity. He especially loved the turkey pictures in this activity pack.
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